John Sawyer entered the coaching field in 2017, launching Open Way Coaching after more than fifteen years working in public policy, advocacy, and government at both the federal and local levels. His background in advocacy work has led him to understand the power of narrative: both narratives we share with others and those we tell ourselves. As a coach, John works with clients to achieve their personal and professional goals, working alongside them to open practical pathways that align their values, ideals, and highest sense of their own potential.
John has coached clients around personal and professional transition, achieving work-life balance, management and leadership techniques, and around establishing and maintaining a positive sense of self--especially when it comes to issues so many of us carry around weight and physical appearance. He has a curious soul and embraces complexity, serving as a “strategic sounding board” to clients as they work toward a higher degree of presence, wellness and self-compassion in their lives.
John is currently finishing coaching training through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), a nationally accredited coach training program (ACTP). He anticipates receiving iPEC certification in early 2018 followed by certification from the International Coach Federation (ICF).
John is an artist--a photographer, painter, sculptor, occasional writer and aspiring harmonica player--and actively incorporates art and creativity into his coaching work with clients.
Do you have a persistent nagging feeling that there could be more to your life than you’re getting? Do you have a goal and need a partner to help figure out a way forward? Are you struggling to balance the demands of a career with family, friends, and fun?
John can help. Book a complimentary consult today.